Thursday, March 21, 2013

Do your students do "projects" or "project-based learning?"

Project-based Learning has transformed the way classrooms are structured in the 21st century.  It gives students opportunities to create ownership over their learning, work for an authentic audience, and puts students in real-world situations where problem-solving is the key factor.  On the other hand, it is important to understand that projects are not the same as project-based learning. Below is a fantastic comparison between the two provided by Amy Mayer of FriEdTechnology:

How does your classroom compare? 

Are you interested in changing your classroom but not sure where to start?  The Buck Institute for Education focuses on project-based-learning and offers amazing resources on its website including the latest research and a project directory.  

In addition, here is a great CommonCraft Show video explaining the basics of project-based learning.

Finally, here is a wonderful checklist from the BIE that lists the essential elements of project-based learning.

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