This morning as I attempt to get back to reality after a great couple of days attending the Wisconsin State Reading Association annual convention and picking up an award for Leadership in Literacy Technology, I am busy decompressing and reflecting on all of the great new ideas and knowledge that I gained. Some of the useful nuggets include better ways to manage our iPads, new apps, great new books, and better ways to implement online Lit Circles.
While so many great ideas were shared, I was most struck by a session presented by author and veteran teacher, Kate Messner. In her session about creating student leaders, she inspired her audience to create authentic and meaningful learning experiences beyond standard classroom-based instructional activities. One of the ideas that she stressed throughout the presentation, and the message that struck me the most, was that in order to create thoughtful, reflective, forward-thinking future leaders, we need to give kids experiences that force them to be brave. This type of bravery does not mean exposing kids to life-threatening activities, but rather giving them a chance to go outside of their comfort zones and outside of their usual safe boxes. Many of us have this fear of failing, of not looking perfect in the eyes of our students, of somehow not appearing to know everything. I know that I personally put a lot of pressure on myself to feel as if I can solve any problem and find the answer to anything. I often worry about not keeping up and not staying one step of everyone else. I worry that when I put myself out there, others will think that I am not good enough or smart enough. As I listened to Messner, I reflected upon how I limit myself by giving in to these insecurities. I realized that I gave less of myself when I did this. Do I really want to do this to my kids as well? If I am supposed to be their leader and their model, how can giving in to my fears and putting limitations on myself teach them about being brave and the rewards that come along with that?
Kate inspired me to take more steps to be brave. How can I do that? First, by expanding my PLN, especially through Twitter. Second, by making more of a personal contribution to my school district, associations, and the other educational communities of which I am a part. While we all often make the excuse that there is not enough time, the real excuse is sometimes our fear of not appearing to be perfect to others and worrying that others will think less of us.
On the other hand, I have always been a brave teacher. I am not afraid to try whatever new tool I discover immediately within my lessons. I believe in giving kids as many real-world learning experiences as possible. I use Skype regularly to connect kids to authors, other classrooms, and world experts. The same class that I have been teaching for three years has looked almost completely different every semester that I begin anew. That's why I am really excited about Messner's new website Kid-sourcing. Kid-sourcing was created to connect kids to experiences where they are able to solve real-world problems. As shared by Messner, the data collected by students engaging in some of these projects will be used for real research. What better way is there to give kids real-life opportunities, take them outside of their comfort zones, and allow them to participate in the body of knowledge that is being created? When opening our students to these types of experiences, we not only engage them in real-world activities, but we are also teaching them to be brave. Bravery, of course, is essential to creating great generations of future thinkers and leaders.
I encourage you to consider your own classroom. How are you instilling bravery within your students? What opportunities are you giving kids to connect with the world outside of their classrooms? How are you modeling bravery?
This blog has been a big step for me. As I continue to add new posts, I attempt to put aside my fear of worrying about what others will think of me and my ideas. I continue to put more of my voice into it, which is really the key piece in contributing to the world. It is one way that I choose to be brave.
Thanks, Kate Messner for inspiring me!
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